
A tree diversity inventory was carried out in urban green spaces (UGSs) of Chennai metropolitan city, India. This inventory aims to study the diversity, density and richness of trees in UGSs of Chennai. A total of one hundred 10m×10m (total 1ha) plots were laid to reveal tree diversity and richness of UGSs. Trees with ≥10cm girths at breast height (gbh) were inventoried. We recorded 45 species in 42 genera and 21 families. Caesalpiniaceae and Fabaceae each with 6 species dominated the study area followed by Arecaceae (3). Density and stand basal area of the present study were 500stemsha−1 and 64.16m2, respectively. Most of the inventoried trees were native (31 species) and deciduous (28 species). Fabaceae and Caesalpiniaceae dominated the present study area in terms of stand basal area and density. The Shannon diversity index and evenness of study area were 2.79 and 0.73, respectively. The most important species and families based on species important value index (IVI) and family important value index were Albizia saman, Polyalthia longifolia and Azadirachta indica; Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Annonaceae respectively. We find Chennai's urban forest is relatively superior to many urban forests of the world in terms of stand basal area and species richness. Results emphasize the importance of enhancement of urban green spaces in Chennai metropolitan city.

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