
Dengue is globally the most important arboviral infection. It is caused by the dengue virus and it is generally transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes’ bites (Ae aegypti or Ae albopictus). In Spain it was initially eradicated in the 20th century, together with the Ae aegypti vector, and currently most of the cases reported in Spain are imported by travelers from countries with dengue transmission (imported dengue). However, in recent years, cases of dengue have been described in people residing in Spain who had not traveled to areas with known transmission (autochthonous dengue), transmitted by Aedes albopictus (the so-called tiger mosquito), present especially in the Mediterranean basin. Therefore, a good knowledge of this potentially severe disease is required, so that it can be diagnosed early, and managed correctly, thus reducing its mortality, as well as its eventual autochthonous transmission.

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