
The distribution and dendritic morphology of neurons in the cat pretectal nuclear complex were analyzed with respect to their projection to the ipsilateral dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) and the ipsilateral inferior olive (IO). Single and double retrograde tracing techniques were combined with intracellular injections of either horseradish peroxidase into electrophysiologically identified pretectal neurons or Lucifer Yellow into retrogradely labeled somata. Pretectal cells afferent to the LGNd were located in the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT), adjacent dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system (DTN), and posterior pretectal nucleus (NPP). Cells projecting to the IO were also distributed throughout the NOT-DTN and dorsal part of the NPP. Separate tracer injections (fluorogold and horseradish peroxidase [HRP] or granular blue) into the LGNd and the IO showed considerable overlap of labeled neurons in the NOT and dorsal NPP. Double-labeled neurons, however, were not observed after double tracer injections into LGNd and IO. Partial topographical segregation of the two populations was observed along the dorsoventral axis because LGNd-projecting neurons exhibited maximum density ventral to that of IO neurons. Pretectal cells to the LGNd had cell body diameters between 16 and 48 microns. Somatic shapes varied between fusiform and multipolar with considerable overlap between these two morphological appearances. Neurons projecting to the IO exhibited similar cell body sizes and their morphology also varied from fusiform to multipolar. Quantitative analysis of dendritic field size and orientation, number and order of dendritic arborizations, and symmetry of the dendritic tree revealed no statistically significant difference between the two neuronal populations. Hence, neurons of the two populations cannot be unequivocally identified just from the dendritic morphology. By contrast, dendritic morphology was correlated with the topographical location of either cell type within the pretectal nuclei rather than projection. Thus, the morphological appearance of neurons located dorsally predominantly was fusiform while neurons located ventrally mostly were multipolar.

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