
In this study, we conducted an analysis of a multifrequency acoustics dataset acquired from scientific echosounders in the West African water. Our objective was to explore the spatial arrangement of marine organism aggregations. We investigated various attributes of these intricate biological entities, such as thickness, relative density, and depth, in relation to their surroundings. These environmental conditions were represented at a fine scale using a towed multiparameter system. This study is closely intertwined with two key domains: Fisheries acoustics techniques and functional data analysis. Fisheries acoustics techniques facilitate the collection of high-resolution spatial and temporal data concerning marine organisms at various depths and spatial scales, all without causing any disturbance. On the other hand, spatial-functional data analysis is a statistical approach for examining data characterised by functional attributes distributed across a spatial domain. This analysis encompasses dimension reduction techniques, as well as supervised and unsupervised methods, which take into consideration spatial dependencies within extensive datasets.We began by applying multivariate statistical techniques and subsequently employed Functional Data Analysis (FDA). In the modeling section, we introduced the spatial dimension with the spatial coordinates as covariates in the General Additive Model (GAM) and Functional Generalized Spectral Additive Model (FGSAM) models, aiming to underscore its relevance in those contexts. In an exploratory phase, Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis provided detailed insights into the variations of parameters at different depths, a capability not offered by traditional Principal Component Analysis. When it came to regression tasks, we explored the interactions between descriptors of Sound Scattering Layers and key environmental variables, both with and without considering spatial dimensions. Our findings revealed significant distinctions between northern and southern Sound Scattering Layers, as well as between coastal and high-sea regions. The use of the spatial locations enhanced the performance of GAM and FGSAM, particularly in the case of salinity, reflecting the influence of water mixing and seawater temperature. The multifaceted effects of environmental variations on Sound Scattering Layers underscore the importance of spatial-functional statistical analysis in ecological studies involving complex, spatially functional objects. Beyond the scope of this specific case study, the application of functional data analysis shows promise for a wide array of ecological studies dealing with extensive spatial datasets.

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