
The study of the factors affecting the labor market is of current interest, because the labor power is the main productive power of the society and an important factor in the manufacture. Moreover, its rational use contributes to the increase of economic efficiency. The contradiction and complexity of the situation on the labor market is that, on the one hand, the market has expanded the diversity of employment forms and places of labor application, thus increasing the possibility of self-realization of the population in the field of economics. On the other hand, institutional transformations and crisis phenomena in the Ukrainian society have caused significant losses of living labor. The issues of skilled personnel formation and efficiency of labor resources use intensified. The labor market is unbalanced, which does not contribute to a rational distribution of labor resources.The article covers the main results of the study on the demographic processes in Chernihiv region, which have an impact on the labour force formation at the regional level. The significant factors of influence on the process of labour market formation in Chernihiv region are birth and death rates, natural population increase, gender and age structure of the population, migration processes.It is proven that in Chernihiv region the process of population decline is sustainable, and it is defined as the combined effect of the processes of birth and death rates which have a direct impact on the labour market condition. Changes in birth rate influence the labour force after a certain period of time, and the change in death rate, especially among people of working age, has a negative impact on the change in the number of labour resources.The influence of population replacement processes on the change in the economically active population is demonstrated. The economically active population forms the base of demand for labour force in the labour market. The long-term declining trend in the population of Chernihiv region owing to low birth rate caused the decline in share of the before working age population (14,5%) and the increase in share of the individuals being after working age (26,5%) and this is reflected in the decline of replenishment to the reserves by labour resources and their aging. The article analyses the gender structure of the population of Chernihiv region. The structure reveals that there is higher population of women than men (54,6% and 45,4% respectively). Gender disproportion causes deformation of population replacement process and as a result there is gender inequality in the regional labour market.The article shows the role of migration in the regional labour market formation in Chernihiv region. The region is characterized by the negative migratory population growth. Large-scale interregional labour migrations, mainly to Kyiv, cover a large part of the working age population of economically deprived urban and rural territories of Chernihiv region.

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