
The article reveals the features of population reproduction mode in Uzbekistan and its new trends that have developed over the past years and will ensure a large-scale increase in the country’s labor resources in the future. The research outlines changes in the sex and age structure of the population which predetermines the size of the workforce. The scale of labor migration in Uzbekistan and the factors that determine it are estimated. The object of the study is population, trends in its reproduction and mobility. The goal of the study is to reveal the features of the demographic situation that determine many important directions of the socio-economic development of the republic and the formation of labor migration flows. The research found that in many regions of Uzbekistan, the rate of job creation lags the growth rate of labor resources resulting in unemployment, especially among young people. According to survey results, the imbalance in the labor market, as well as the low labor cost were the main reasons for seeking work outside the country. Also, the results of the survey substantiate the positive and negative consequences of current external labor migration, changes in the qualitative characteristics of labor migrants and their priorities. Given the demographic situation in Uzbekistan today, in the coming years there will be a significant outflow of labor migrants to foreign countries, where Russia will prevail. Labor migration will continue to provide relative stability in the labor market of the republic and the inflow of remittances, which will contribute to improving the living standards of the country’s population. Changes in the migration policy of Uzbekistan aimed at streamlining migration processes in the republic that have been made in recent years will play a significant role.

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