
This work “democratic practice in Jammu and Kashmir” as the title Indicate examines the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir. This is a comprehensive investigative analysis of the democratization of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947. It show that after the British rule and partition of India, handing over the political power to elected government of the people marked as a milestone in the democratic history of the state. an unsound elected system marked by the setting up of weak governments; strength of the state’s unique constitutional rights; considerable electoral malpractice start of supporter of independence movement and the fall down of democracy. To achieve democratic supporting stability, central government controlled the state by turning its political leadership and curbing opponents on the other for maintaining effective political control over the kashmari leadership and formulation of policies and programmes suitable for national interrogation and favorable for nationalism and secularism national political elites collaborate and alliances with the local political leadership gave rise to new class of political leaders and emergence of new political parties and new ideologies in state politics . Though there could be no scope to Project Personal views, yet an attempt had been made to this end up to some Extent. My personal views cannot be the final word but can help evaluate the democratic practice in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in a proper perspective.

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