
Part 1 Introduction and Historical Background Chapter 2 Remembering Florida for the Right Reasons Chapter 3 History as Hope: The Legacy of the Progressive Era and the Future of Political Reform in America Part 4 Eliminating Barriers to Political Participation: Tearing Down Walls Chapter 5 The Weight of History: Election Reform During the Progressive Era and Today Chapter 6 More Choice Please! Why U. S. Ballot Access Laws are Discriminatory and How Independent Parties and Candidates Challenge Them Chapter 7 Freeing Politics from the Grip of Money: The Limits of Campaign Finance Reform and the Need for a New Approach Part 8 Engaging Citizens: Building Citizens Chapter 9 Democratic Theory and the Case for Public Deliberation Chapter 10 Educating for Democracy Chapter 11 Community as a Source for Democratic Politics Chapter 12 Can the Internet Rescue Democracy? Toward an On-line Commons Part 13 Making the System More Responsive Chapter 14 Instant Runoff Voting and Full Representation: Keys to Fulfilling Democracy's Promise Chapter 15 Putting Democracy Back into the Initiative and Referendum Chapter 16 The Debate Gerrymander and America's Electoral-Industrial Complex Chapter 17 The Electoral College: Constitutional Debate, Partisan Manipulation, and Reform Possibilities Part 18 Challenges and Prospects for Democratic Reform Chapter 19 What Makes Reform So Difficult: The Case of America's Cities and the Problem of Elites Chapter 20 Looking Backward While Looking Forward to Democracy's Moment Chapter 21 Appendix: National and Regional Democracy Organizations

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