
More than a half-century has passed since Jackie Robinson went to spring training in 1946 to try out for Montreal Royals, top minor league team in Brooklyn Dodgers' organization. Baseball was integrated that spring in Daytona Beach, Florida, when Robinson became first black in twentieth century to share field with whites in organized professional baseball.1 This all happened deep in Jim Crow South, where, as sociologist Gunnar Myrdal observed, whites rarely saw blacks except as servants or in other substandard conditions.2 Segregation laws prohibited whites and blacks from sharing restaurants, hotels, theaters, water fountains, schools, and baseball fields. Baseball was one of first institutions in American society to become desegregated.3 The integration of sport has been called widely commented on episode in American race relations of its time.4 Robinson's name initiated discussions about national character, equality, democracy, and racism.5 Many white Americans, including journalists of that era, opposed or feared integration of any kind. A Richmond Times-- Dispatch editorial warned that any attempt to challenge segregation laws would result in violence that would leave hundreds, if not thousands, dead.6 This article explores press treatment of baseball's first integrated spring training from two perspectives-the advocacy role of black press and status quo role of white, mainstream press. Robinson's first spring training, more than a year before he played his first major league regular-season game, represents a critical juncture in story of integration of baseball. It provides an opportunity to examine whether press recognized what was happening and, if so, what did journalists have to say about it? Did they capture its meaning, significance, or poignancy? More specifically, was it a different story for black journalists than it was for white journalists? Both black and white newspapers reflected and affected beliefs and perspectives of their readers; therefore, a comparison of press coverage between black and white press should not merely demonstrate differences in press perspectives but also differences in personal beliefs of journalists on issue of integration. Other studies of press coverage of integration of baseball have shown that black sportswriters were more active in reporting story than white sportswriters.7 Historian Bill Weaver observed that no group had a greater responsibility as an organ of racial unity in years after World War II than black press, and the extent to which it understood and met its responsibility can be observed in its handling of assault on professional baseball's `color line.'8 Another writer concluded that black sportswriters were instrumental in spreading integration issue into mainstream society by campaigning for it in their columns and by appealing to sympathetic, white sportswriters.9 For black press, news coverage of Robinson story reflected a society in transition as equality on baseball field became a metaphor for equality in civil rights. Black sportswriters used success of blacks in sports to push for integration in all parts of society.10 They reported story with emotion, emphasizing its historical significance. They cast story in terms of freedom, an important moment in a long struggle, while white mainstream press generally viewed it as a curiosity or a publicity stunt.11 White sportswriters, unsure or afraid of how their readers would react to story, remained relatively silent on issue.12 To most of mainstream America at that time, issue of civil rights was little more than a human interest story.13 For black press, Robinson story transcended sports and touched on racial issues neglected by both mainstream press and society at large. The mainstream press, on other hand, rarely gave story social or cultural context it deserved. …

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