
The delocalization transition in two-dimensional systems and a strong magnetic field is investigated with respect to its dependence on the Landau band indexj and on the type of disorder. The generation of random potentials according to a given correlation functionf and for a chosen correlation lengthd is described. The spectral properties of random eigenvalue sequences are examined as measures for the extension of wavefunctions and indicate a nonuniversal delocalization behaviour in higher Landau bands for short ranged correlated potentials. The critical exponents of the localization length of wavefunctions are determined for rapidly varying potentials in the second lowest Landau band (j=1) and depend on the correlation lengthd of the disorder. This different critical behaviour compared to that in the lowest band is confirmed by calculations for the density-density correlations of wavefunctions at the centers of the Landau levels. Calculations in different geometries also show that the critical systems of delocalized states are conformal invariant in the case of the nonuniversal delocalization transition (d≲l0), whereas such local rescaling properties cannot be expected for slowly varying potentials.

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