
The article substantiates the medical-psychological-pedagogical approach to determining the delay in psycho-speech development. In speech therapy practice, as well as in the field of special education in general, there is a widespread violation of psychophysical development, which is separated into a group of violations called “delayed speech development”. Given that speech belongs to the cognitive function of the human body, when it is disturbed, all leading mental functions suffer: perception, thinking, memory, imagination. Accordingly, the inertia of speech development, as a rule, indicates the inertia of maturation / formation of leading mental processes. Numerous studies in the field of speech therapy show that with delayed speech development, there is a steady trend of delayed manifestations of mental development. Accordingly, today, more and more practitioners are using the definition of “delayed psychospeech development” when defining the manifestation of a disorder that was previously defined as “delayed speech development”. The theoretical and experimental lack of development of the problem of early diagnostic and corrective assistance to a child with delayed psycho-speech development in a sensitive period makes it difficult to activate its adaptive and compensatory capabilities. Understanding the positions of leading scientists in the field of special, age-related psychology, analysis of experimental data on the problem of researching the psycho-speech development of children with psycho-speech development delay in the unity of early and preschool age showed that the issue of comprehensive intervention to help children with psycho-speech development delay is not fully disclosed. Defining the terminologically meaningful aspect of the concept of psycho-speech development in the case of delay in psychospeech development in relation to the relevant age periods, we consider it integrative in relation to mental, speech, intellectual, emotionalvolitional development, which has a certain structure, the variability of which is characterized by individual-typical features of impaired development with delayed psycho-speech development, which formed the basis of our understanding of the essence of this phenomenon.

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