
WE HAVE lately had occasion to observe an unusual case of chronic urticaria with dermographia; we were unable to find anything analogous to it reported in the literature. REPORT OF A CASE J. R., a 45 year old man of Scottish extraction, was first seen in the summer of 1945, presenting a generalized chronic urticaria. The family history and his childhood history were negative with regard to cutaneous or allergic disease. He could recall no skin trouble until 1936, when he had a widespread dermatitis of unknown cause and a generalized urticaria which started soon after the dermatitis had subsided. At that time his family physician removed his tonsils and did allergic tests, which were negative for food, inhalants and substances brought in contact with the skin in patch tests. Roentgenologic examination of the sinuses showed normal conditions, and no physical abnormality was found. The patient had since occasionally had

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