
Allergic diseases are quite prevalent worldwide, and the incidence of allergy is increasing everywhere [1-7]. Because allergic and immunologic processes overlap all organ systems, allergy is not always taught in medical schools as a separate subject. Indeed, lack of recognition of the specialty and of the need to teach about allergic and immunologic diseases results in allergy not being included at all in some medical school curricula [8]. With an estimated 22% of the global population experiencing allergic and immunologic diseases, it is time to recognize and strengthen education in allergy and immunology [8]. The World Allergy Organization (WAO), an alliance of 74 national and regional allergy societies, created this consensus document to establish educational guidelines for worldwide application to help identify and correct allergy education and training deficiencies and to define appropriate competencies. In creating this consensus, it is recognized that each country has its own principles and goals in medical education at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. This document defines what WAO considers medical practitioners should know to care appropriately for allergic patients.

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