
Initiation and propagation of inter-laminar delamination in adhesive bonded spar wingskin joint (SWJ) made with laminated fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite curved panels have been studied employing three-dimensional finite element analyses. In-plane and out-of-plane normal and shear stress distributions are seen to be highly three-dimensional in nature. Tsai-Wu coupled stress failure criteria have been employed to identify critical locations of onset of delamination-induced damage. This occurs underneath the toe-end of the spar overlap and at the inter-laminar surface between the first and second plies of the curved FRP wingskin panel. Significant edge effects on the joint strength have been observed due to the curvature geometry of the composite wingskin panels. Non-linear finite element analyses have been carried out for study of delamination propagation using contact and multi point constraint (MPC) elements. The use of contact elements prevents inter-penetration of delaminated surfaces. Whereas, sequential release of MPC elements facilitates computation of opening, sliding and cross-sliding modes of delamination-induced strain energy release rates (SERR) by using virtual crack closure technique. Variation in delamination lengths significantly effects the variation of peel and inter-laminar shear stresses and different modes of SERRs. Variations on the two delamination fronts are seen to be quite different indicating dis-similar propagation rates. The Mode I SERR (GI) predominantly governs the delamination propagation in the SWJ.

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