
Del director It's a pleasure to see the quantity and quality of research in our field grow - this issue once again exceeds the 300-page mark with every contribution displaying the highest scholarship. It'sjust as satisfying to witness the increasing interest of the general public in medieval Spain, especially in two areas, the Muslim presence in Iberia and the Camino de Santiago and related pilgrimage studies. The brisk sales ofMaria Rosa Menocal's The Ornament ofthe World: Flow Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain have her traveling and speaking to highly engaged audiences all around the county, while the flood of publications on the Camino de Santiago continues unabated. In addition to scholarly work, in 2006 alone there appeared The Village to Village Guide to The Camino Santiago (The Pilgrimage ofStJames) by Jaffa Raza, Walking the Camino De Santiago by Bethan Davies and Ben Cole, A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago: Camino Frances - The French Way ofSt.James byJohn Brierley, andEl Camino De Santiago: Rites ofPassage byWayne Chimenti. For its part, La coránica is happy to announce a forthcoming Critical Cluster on "The Camino de Santiago and Pilgrimage" guest edited by John Moore and Thomas Spaccarelli. The Tenth Annual Gathering of Pilgrims takes places in Williamsburg in March 2007 with myself serving as co-host of this national event. An associated traveling exhibition of art and photography, also curated by un servidor, and called "Sacred Steps: Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago" will travel the US and Canada over the coming three-to-four years. We are also pleased to note that a recent Nota Bene column in the Chronicle of Higher Education discussed a contribution on Juana la Loca by Samuel Sánchez y Sánchez for the anthology Dead Lovers: Erotic Bonds and the Study ofPremodern Europe edited by Basil Dufallo and Peggy McCracken. Thisjournal will also expand its usual temporal boundaries into the premodern in upcoming Clusters on "Humanism in Spain", "Incest in Medieval Spanish Literature and Law", and "Magic in Medieval Spain". The senior editorial teamjoins me in expressing our gratitude to Dean Carl Strikwerda of the College ofWilliam & Mary, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Kansas without whose continued financial support thisjournal could not continue. 2 George D. GreeniaLa corànica 35. 1, 2006 We also recognize for this issue the generous financial support of the University of Birmingham (Birmingham, Alabama) and the University ofThe South (Sewanee, Tennessee) which aided in the publication ofJohn K. Moore, Jr., and Thomas Spaccarelli's article on "Libro de los huéspedes (Escorial MS h.1.13)" included in this issue. George D. Greenia Editor, La coránica ...

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