
The image captured by camera is degraded by various atmospheric parameters for example rain, storm, wind, haze, snow. The removing haze is called dehazing, is naturally done in the physical degradation model that requires a resolution of an ill-posed inverse problem. In this paper discussion and e relative study of Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) as well as Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) and dark channel prior (DCP). This article suggest image and video dehazing technique working on DCP method. The DCP is resulted from the characteristics of images taken in outdoor that the value of intensity inside the local window is nearly equal to zero. The DCP system has good haze elimination and color managing potential for the images with various angles of haze. The dehazing is done using following four major steps: atmospheric light estimation, transmission map estimation, transmission map refinement, and image reconstruction. This solution of four step DCP will give solution to ill-posed inverse problem. This dehazing techniques can be used in advanced driverless assisted systems in autonomous cars, satellite imaging, underwater imaging etc.


  • The light reflecting back from object scattered due to atmospheric elements, the degree of excellence of outdoor images captured in hazy atmosphere circumstances might be ruined brutally [1]

  • Haze elimination is a challenging issue in computer vision method

  • In certain fog images, which has more of sky regions or huge bright regions, the image accepted the technique of dark channel prior defogging will emerge as color deformation

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That explains the reduction of atmospheric scene visibility, is a decent estimate for various atmospheric situations and circumstances. Though, it twists the apparent scenes and causes contrary effects on dehazed images at great concentration of fog.

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