
In this paper, we make an inventory of geomorphic remnants of past glaciations, especially glacial stages that occurred just after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). More than 35 terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide (TCR) ages were obtained, providing new chronological benchmarks for defining the transition between the LGM and the Holocene, thus answering some remaining questions in the southern French Alps (upper Durance catchment). TCR ages fit very well with the scenario defined in other parts of the European Alps: two main generations of post-LGM moraines were identified, highlighting a synchronicity of glacial responses during the Younger Dryas and the Preboreal. Indeed, the first generation we identified corresponds to the Younger Dryas period, while the second generation was shaped during the Preboreal period. They suggest that a relatively thick glacier tongue (300 m thick) occupied the upper catchment until the end of the Lateglacial period. The glacier tongue disappeared at the very beginning of the Holocene, before a short glacial re-advance during the Preboreal period. This scenario is linked to a very low equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during the Younger Dryas and the Preboreal: located respectively 340 and 150 m below the Little Ice Age (LIA) ELA. Collectively, the results highlight a significant west–east gradient in ELA, probably in relation to westerly and northwesterly winds. Finally, the deglaciation pattern in this area is similar to that of the western and northern Alps, and appears significantly different from the patterns found in the inner and eastern Alps (such as the Ubaye and Maritime Alps patterns).

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