
Starting from an anti-symplectic involution on a K3 surface, one can consider a natural Lagrangian subvariety inside the moduli space of sheaves over the K3. One can also construct a Prymian integrable system following a construction of Markushevich–Tikhomirov, extended by Arbarello–Saccà–Ferretti, Matteini and Sawon–Shen. In this article we address a question of Sawon, showing that these integrable systems and their associated natural Lagrangians degenerate, respectively, into fix loci of involutions considered by Heller–Schaposnik, García-Prada–Wilkin and Basu–García-Prada. Along the way we find interesting results such as the proof that the Donagi–Ein–Lazarsfeld degeneration is a degeneration of symplectic varieties, a generalization of this degeneration, originally described for K3 surfaces, to the case of an arbitrary smooth projective surface, and a description of the behaviour of certain involutions under this degeneration.

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