
With explosive growth of Android malware and due to its damage to smart phone users (e.g., stealing user credentials, resource abuse), Android malware detection is one of the cyber security topics that are of great interests. Currently, the most significant line of defense against Android malware is anti-malware software products, such as Norton, Lookout, and Comodo Mobile Security, which mainly use the signature-based method to recognize threats. However, malware attackers increasingly employ techniques such as repackaging and obfuscation to bypass signatures and defeat attempts to analyze their inner mechanisms. The increasing sophistication of Android malware calls for new defensive techniques that are harder to evade, and are capable of protecting users against novel threats. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic analysis method named Component Traversal that can automatically execute the code routines of each given Android application (app) as completely as possible. Based on the extracted Linux kernel system calls, we further construct the weighted directed graphs and then apply a deep learning framework resting on the graph based features for newly unknown Android malware detection. A comprehensive experimental study on a real sample collection from Comodo Cloud Security Center is performed to compare various malware detection approaches. Promising experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms other alternative Android malware detection techniques. Our developed system Deep4MalDroid has also been integrated into a commercial Android anti-malware software.

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