
Improving the performance of link prediction is a significant role in the evaluation of social network. Link prediction is known as one of the primary purposes for recommended systems, bio information, and web. Most machine learning methods that depend on SNA model’s metrics use supervised learning to develop link prediction models. Supervised learning actually needed huge amount of data set to train the model of link prediction to obtain an optimal level of performance. In few years, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has achieved excellent success in various domain such as SNA. In this paper, we present the use of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to improve the performance and accuracy of the model for the applied dataset. The experiment shows that the dataset created by the DRL model through self-play or auto-simulation can be utilized to improve the link prediction model. We have used three different datasets: JUNANES, MAMBO, JAKE. Experimental results show that the DRL proposed method provide accuracy of 85% for JUNANES, 87% for MAMABO, and 78% for JAKE dataset which outperforms the GBM next highest accuracy of 75% for JUNANES, 79% for MAMBO and 71% for JAKE dataset respectively trained with 2500 iteration and also in terms of AUC measures as well. The DRL model shows the better efficiency than a traditional machine learning strategy, such as, Random Forest and the gradient boosting machine (GBM).

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