
Recent progress in targeted interrogation of basal ganglia structures and networks with deep brain stimulation in humans has provided insights into the complex functions the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Beyond the traditional role of the STN in modulating motor function, recognition of its role in cognition was initially fueled by side effects seen with STN DBS and later revealed with behavioral and electrophysiological studies. Anatomical, clinical, and electrophysiological data converge on the view that the STN is a pivotal node linking cognitive and motor processes. The goal of this review is to synthesize the literature to date that used DBS to examine the contributions of the STN to motor and non-motor cognitive functions and control. Multiple modalities of research have provided us with an enhanced understanding of the STN and reveal that it is critically involved in motor and non-motor inhibition, decision-making, motivation and emotion. Understanding the role of the STN in cognition can enhance the therapeutic efficacy and selectivity not only for existing applications of DBS, but also in the development of therapeutic strategies to stimulate aberrant circuits to treat non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease and other disorders.

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