
Invariant water molecules that are of structural or functional importance to proteins are detected from their presence in the same location in different crystal structures of the same protein or closely related proteins. In this study we have investigated the location of invariant water molecules from MD simulations of ribonuclease A, HIV1-protease and Hen egg white lysozyme. Snapshots of MD trajectories represent the structure of a dynamic protein molecule in a solvated environment as opposed to the static picture provided by crystallography. The MD results are compared to an analysis on crystal structures. A good correlation is observed between the two methods with more than half the hydration sites identified as invariant from crystal structures featuring as invariant in the MD simulations which include most of the functionally or structurally important residues. It is also seen that the propensities of occupying the various hydration sites on a protein for structures obtained from MD and crystallographic studies are different. In general MD simulations can be used to predict invariant hydration sites when there is a paucity of crystallographic data or to complement crystallographic results.

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