
AbstractExplicit representation of finer‐scale processes can affect the sign and magnitude of the precipitation response to climate change between convection‐permitting and convection‐parameterizing models. We compare precipitation across two 15‐year epochs, a historical (HIST) and an end‐of‐21st‐century (EoC85), between a set of dynamically downscaled regional climate simulations at 3.75 km grid spacing (WRF) and bias‐corrected Community Earth System Model (CESM) output used to initialize and force the lateral boundaries of the downscaled simulations. In the historical climate, the downscaled simulations demonstrate less overall error than CESM when compared to observations for most portions of the conterminous United States. Both sets of simulations overestimate the incidence of environments with moderate to high precipitable water while CESM generally simulates rainfall that is too frequent but less intense. Within both sets of simulations, EoC85 rainfall amounts decrease in low‐moisture environments due to reduced rainfall frequency and intensity while rainfall amounts increase in high‐moisture environments as they occur more often. Overall, reductions in rainfall are stronger in WRF than in CESM, particularly during the warm season. This reduced drying in CESM is attributed to relatively higher rainfall frequency in environments with high concentrations of precipitable water and weak vertical motion. As a result, an increase in the occurrence of high moisture environments in EoC85 naturally favors more rainfall in CESM than WRF. Our results present an in‐depth examination of the characteristics of changes in overall accumulated precipitation and highlight an extra dimension of uncertainty when comparing convection‐permitting models against convection‐parameterizing models.

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