
Clarence Barlow (see Figure 1) is a prominent com poser of electroacoustic and instrumental music. He studied composition under Bernd Alois Zim mermann (1968-1970) and Karlheinz Stockhausen (1971-1973) and became a pioneer in the field of computer music. He has made advancements in in terdisciplinary composition that unite mathematics, computer science, visual arts, and literature. Nev ertheless, his music is firmly grounded in tradition and incorporates much from the past. Between 1961 and 2009, Mr. Barlow produced over 60 works of various types, including electroacoustic (see Table 1 and Table 4), orchestral, chamber, choral, vocal, piano, and organ works. The many performances of his music include 28 concerts in Germany and else where from 1976-2009 that were devoted entirely to his compositions. Mr. Barlow has also attained dis tinction as an interdisciplinary researcher, author, and software developer. One of his many publica tions (see Table 2) is an extensive study on tonality and metricism, Bus Journey to Parametron (1980, 1984). His software (see Table 3) notably includes Autobusk, a modal and metric pitch and rhythm gen erator (2001), and the notation program }KSC (1984). Clarence Barlow currently serves as the endowed Corwin Chair of Composition at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His past teaching posts include twelve years as professor of composition and computer music at the biennial summer courses of the International Music Institute at Darmstadt (1982-1994); over twenty years as lecturer in com puter music at the Cologne Musikhochschule (1984-2005); four years as artistic director of the Institute of Sonology at The Hague's Royal Conser vatory (1990-1994); and twelve years as professor of composition and sonology at the Royal Conserva tory (1994-2006). Since 1994, he has been associated with the International Academy of Electroacoustic Music in Bourges, France. This interview was conducted in May 2008 at Clarence Barlow's home in Noleta, located

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