
This research was conducted to overcome the problem of determining the recipients of non-cash food assistance in the village of Nagori Bayu Bagasan. Assistance in the form of non-cash food assistance is one of the efforts provided by the government to reduce the burden of spending on the poor. In the selection of the recipients of non-cash food assistance in the village of Nagori Bayu Bagasan, they still did not use a decision support system approach so that the recipients of the non-cash food assistance were not on target. To overcome this, a Decision Support System was designed using the SAW method to assist the selection of recipients of non-cash food aid assistance. This Decision Support System is designed with 5 criteria, namely employment, income, dependents, homeownership, and housing conditions. Through the application of the SAW method, the selection of the best non-cash food aid recipients is obtained from the results carried out by ranking (ranking). The results of the SPK SAW method in this study were obtained that, 5 samples of people who were eligible to receive non-cash food assistance were with priority values, including 85.5; 77.5; 72; 71; 67.

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