
The Covid-19 pandemic has begun to be under control and the basis for the Village Fund BLT distribution has been adjusted. BLT Dana Desa aims to increase the income of extremely poor families in the village. In determining and determining prospective Beneficiary Families (KPM), each village will be guided by the data for the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Elimination (PPKE) provided by the central government through the local government which will later be verified by the village government. Therefore, a Decision Support System is needed to find out who really deserves assistance, so that the allocation can be right on target according to predetermined criteria. In this study the results of this study show that the proposed model can be used well in conducting the selection process for laboratory assistant admissions. In this research, the use of ROC is able to provide appropriate criteria weights based on the level of importance of the criteria from the decision maker. Meanwhile, the use of the WASPAS method is able to produce decisions in the form of the best alternatives that can be used to help decision makers. From the calculation process that has been done, it can be concluded that Sunardi got the highest score, namely 0.7276 and Muksin got the lowest score, namely 0.5491. The existence of this system can make it easier for the government, especially villages, to identify beneficiaries and minimize errors in selecting beneficiaries.

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