
Recruitment is one of the important things in the human resource management of a company. Selection is part of the recruitment process to decide which applicant or candidate suitable for a certain position. The problem occurs in the lack of service to consumers which results in the company's sales target not being achieved. This is due to the decline in employee performance and the selection of less competent employees who cannot meet the requirements of the position. This research proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) using the MultiAttribute Utility Theory (MAUT) approach in the process of selecting the candidate employee to make the assessment section simplify in the decision making. There are four criteria used in this research namely administration test, psychological test, interview, and medical test. The decision support system can help the stakeholder in the decision making of employee selection with an accurate and objective result. To measure the accuracy, we compare our results with the old system measurements of selection data in this company. The result is compared against the available data and an accuracy of 93.33 % is achieved.

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