
Complainant X formulates a contravention complaint at the Suceava Court against the Official Report of Violations, Series ..., no... of 19.01.2022 and the Official Report of Violations Series ...., no .... of 19.01.2022, concluded at the headquarters of the Public Health Department of Iași County-Public Health Control Service and communicated on the date of . ... concluded by the health inspector of the DSP Iasi, whereby I was fined 3000 lei for "failure by the person entering the territory of Romania to complete the Digital Entry Form for Romania-SII-FDIR within 24 hours of entry into the country, according to art.2 paragraph (4) of GEO NR.129/2021, recorded in the report of the observation of sanitary and hygienic conditions no.106603 dated 19.01.2022, made on 10.01.2022, 12:55 PM... Within a maximum of 15 days from the date of delivery or communication of the official report of the finding and sanctioning of contraventions, he will be able to pay half of the minimum fine provided by the normative act, namely 1000 lei". 
 Against these minutes, in accordance with the provisions of art. 31 para. 1 of OG. no. 2/2001, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 180/2002, and art.118 para.1 of OUG 195-2002, the contravention complaint was formulated. In the course of the trial, the petitioner X took note of the respondent's position and asked the court to find: 1. "the contravention of the contravention of the offence held against the complainant by the report of the contravention" as a result of the fact that the legal conditions for admitting the complaint are not met, the consequence being the annulment of the report of the contravention as stated by the respondent; 2. The restitution of the amount of 1000 lei paid as a fine that was applied and which was paid to the "Local Taxes and Duties Directorate, Iasi" by "Receipt for the collection of local budget debts", in the amount of 1000 lei (Exhibit 4) representing "half of the minimum fine provided for by the normative act, namely 1000 lei" established by the Official Report of the contravention.

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