
Integrating Decision Analysis and Behavioral Models.- Improving and Measuring the Effectiveness of Decision Analysis: Linking Decision Analysis and Behavioral Decision Research.- Reducing Perceptual and Cognitive Challenges in Making Decisions with Models.- Agricultural Decision Making in the Argentine Pampas: Modeling the Interaction between Uncertain and Complex Environments and Heterogeneous and Complex Decision Makers.- Innovations in Behavioral Model Analysis.- On Optimal Satisficing: How Simple Policies Can Achieve Excellent Results.- There Are Many Models of Transitive Preference: A Tutorial Review and Current Perspective.- Integrating Compensatory and Noncompensatory Decision-Making Strategies in Dynamic Task Environments.- Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma and Battle of Sexes Games: A Simulation Study.- Innovations in Descriptive Behavior Models.- Individual Values and Social Goals in Environmental Decision Making.- Does More Money Buy You More Happiness?.- Cognitive Biases Affect the Acceptance of Tradeoff Studies.- Experimental Studies in Behavioral Research.- Valuation of Vague Prospects with Mixed Outcomes.- Collective Search in Concrete and Abstract Spaces.- Braess Paradox in the Laboratory: Experimental Study of Route Choice in Traffic Networks with Asymmetric Costs.- Non-Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem.

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