
AbstractThe control problem for a two‐arm robotic system in coordinated motion is addressed. A hierarchical framework, employing two levels of control hierarchy, is utilized, and the decentralized model reference adaptive control approach using variable structure controllers (DMRA‐VSC) is applied. Within the control hierarchy, the DMRA‐VSC strategy is accomplished at the lower level, where control is responsible for the servoing of each joint. These local controllers are coordinated by the high‐level, central controller, whose task is to provide the local controllers with the upper bound on the dynamical interactions with other subsystems. The local controllers are responsible for making each link follow the prescribed local reference subsystem in moving from one position to another. This is done using the local measurements and the information provided by the central controller. Advantages of the DMRA‐VSC approach for multiple manipulator control include the inherent robustness properties to nonlinearities and interaction effects, the decentralization structure facilitating ease in multiple manipulator system programming and implementation, and the general structure of the controller which allows further extensions such as force feedback.

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