
Decentralization and centralization of Education both seem to be related to “democracy” which is understood as a way of life. Yet, it is also related to some other factors and forces: such as the level of literacy, economic conditions, traditions and types of government. These and some other factors and forces also seem very affectfull in democratization, as well as decentralization ideas, and practices. For instance,various studies illustrate that first of all administrators at different levels aree not willing to give up their existing, institutionalized authorities and powers, towards more democratic practices.But, instead, they seem to approve and willing the other administrators to be changed, and give up some of their authorities and powers, towards more democratic decentralized practices. In addition,for instance, with the existing world-wide trends towards globalization,they may also expect,with different scope and speeds again, having some significant changes towards democratization f their educational systems.

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