
In Saudi Arabia, the country is making strides to improve its educational sector, specifically in coeducation. While the concept of female students in leadership positions is novel in this country, the government is endeavoring to reduce gender segregation and same-sex education in schools, to empower women. There are already existing coeducation opportunities for females pursuing undergraduate levels in medical majors, including for scholarship pursuits outside the nation. Many universities aim to enroll thousands of students in Saudi Arabia's first coeducational higher-education programs. Furthermore, studies show that education can be even more reinforced through enhancing ESL methods in this higher education, enabling both male and female graduates to compete with peers worldwide. Therefore, this study examined three Saudi ESL students who took English classes at Root Hall, Union University (pseudo name), exploring their viewpoints about mixed-gender classrooms and their influence on English language development. The results determined that their confidence significantly improved through coeducational programs and English language proficiency.

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