
Lethal episodes arising from interactions with cattle may be the result of a response of the animals to simple handling and herding, or from reactions to deliberate provocation or goading intended to incite aggressive behavior for public entertainment purposes. Deaths may be considered to be unprovoked and unanticipated, or provoked and predictable. Cattle cause significant numbers of deaths globally and are considered the most dangerous large animal in Britain. Behavior may be unpredictable even in apparently docile domesticated animals, and attacks may be by a single animal or a herd and result in injuries from kicking, head/butting/charging, stomping, goring, and crushing. Craniofacial injuries may involve fractures of the spine or skull with cerebral contusions and lacerations associated with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhages. Chest injuries are also characterized by fractures which may be multiple with flail chest, hemo- and pneumothoraces, and organ disruption. Injuries to the abdomen and perineum include intestinal perforations, splenic rupture, perineal and vaginal tears, urethral lacerations and avulsions, and bladder and rectal perforations. Significant vascular injuries include complete and partial transections and lacerations. Males living in rural areas are most at risk of a fatal encounter.

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