
Due to the pandemic state experienced, education, in all spheres, needed to reinvent itself to promote quality education. Thus, many questions arose as to how remote classes could replace presences, mainly in practical disciplines, such as Chemistry. Thus, the objective was to identify technological tools that could assist in remote Chemistry classes in basic education and to propose classes that can be carried out remotely. For this, searches for scientific works were carried out in different databases, such as Periódicos Capes; Scielo; Google Scholar and SciFinder Scholar. Also, we sought to identify simulators and videoconferencing platforms that could be used synchronous classes. Thus, 6 platforms were identified for such purposes, in addition to technological tools that can assist in the construction of the class. From these technologies, it was possible to propose a remote class on the construction of atomic models so that students actively participate in the class, being the subject of learning. Therefore, it is understood that despite the difficulties imposed by remote activities, it is possible to develop a quality and interactive class, always taking into account the specificities of all students, as it is necessary to be viable for both teaching and learning.

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