
AbstractIt is virtually unknown that the famous painter from Haarlem, Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem (1620-1683), had a namesake son who was also a painter. This is evident from the signature 'd'Jonge Berchem' ('The Young Berchem'), displayed on the painting Zuidelijk landschap met door een rivier trekkende herders en hun dieren, (Southern landscape with shepherds crossing a river with their cattle) (fig. 2). Nicolaes de Jonge was born in 1649 in Haarlem and died at the age of 22 in Paris. He was undoubtedly educated by his father though both his grandfathers, Pieter Claesz (1597/1598-1660) and Jan Wils (1603-1666), may also have contributed to his artistic education. His father's influence is clearly identifiable in his paintings as he made a number of citations from his work. This article reconstructs the life and work of the young artist, who died an untimely death.

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