
Abstract: By using Decentralized Finance based payment gateway system, users are able to pay for a product only when it reaches their home. The payment is stored in a temporary pool until the product is delivered. This approach offers a number of benefits for both consumers and businesses. For consumers, the ability to pay only when the product is received can provide greater peace of mind and reduce the risk of fraud or scams. It also allows users to avoid paying upfront for a product that they have not yet received or had the opportunity to inspect. For businesses, this approach can improve cash flow and reduce the risk of non- payment. By holding the payment in a temporary pool until the product is delivered, businesses can ensure that they are paid for the goods or services they provide. This can be particularly useful for small businesses or those operating in sectors with a high risk of nonpayment. Also by the Ethereum and the Etherscan API, this system can promote efficiency in charitable giving by enabling fund donors to verify and track the use of their donations.

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