
We have developed dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with grain boundary junctions of a BiSrCaCuO (BSCCO) thin film on a SrTiO3 (100) bicrystal substrate with a misorientation angle of 36.8°. The T c and J c of the BSCCO film were 93 K and 3×105 A/cm2 at 77 K, respectively. These SQUIDs operated at 77 K. The I-V characteristics of the SQUIDs were of resistively shunted junction (RSJ) type. A SQUID with 20-µ m-wide junctions showed Fraunhofer-like flux-voltage characteristics. The I0R n product and the modulation voltage of a SQUID with 10-µ m-wide junctions were 23 µ V and 6 µ V at 77 K, respectively. The flux noise measured in a flux-locked loop mode was 2.0×10-5Φ0/ Hz0.5 in the white noise region.

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