
Financial Big Data is a contentious topic that needs to be addressed because it is having an increasingly negative impact on people's everyday lives, work habits, and thought patterns. The leakage of financial big data is just one of the issues that financial big data is now dealing with. As a result, the study focus of this work is on the data security problems and solutions related to financial big data. This paper summarizes four main categories of data security issues related to financial big data: attacks on financial big data, data leaks related to financial big data, issues with the reliability of financial big data, and issues with access control related to financial big data. Based on these four problem categories, it searches the literature and organizes the suggested solutions as follows: pay attention to the development of financial data security systems in a big data environment, strengthen education and training, increase the da-ta security awareness of various roles, optimize the processing of big data, and strengthen the storage security of big data by strict user access control. This paper's thought and research also reveal that while financial big data does provide data security issues, it also serves as the primary means of addressing the issue itself. Less research has been done on using financial big data as a countermeasure in and of itself. In the future, we should focus on financial big data itself and explore ways to use financial big data as a countermeasure to data security problems.

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