
Cloud computing is the on-demand usage of computer resources through the internet, allowing us to relocate application software and databases. Its purpose is to deliver IT services that enable clients to benefit from the pay-per-use model's substantial cost advantages and the ability to flexibly scale up or down without having to make significant investments in new hardware. On the other hand, the provider manages the data and services under this cloud architecture. Consequently, cloud clients have less control over their outsourced data and depend on cloud service providers to safeguard their data and infrastructure from both external and internal threats. In this study, we look at information security in cloud computing. It is the consideration of information on the cloud, considering security concerns. This article will go through data protection strategies utilized all around the globe to provide optimum data security by lowering risks and threats. Information accessibility is beneficial for various cloud applications, but it poses risks by exposing data to apps that already have security escape clauses. In addition, the presentation will outline information security highlights for Data in Transit and Data at Rest.

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