
Lately medical help is provided in many medical institution of Ukraine for those servicemen who suffered of the influence of intensive noise during implementation of duties of military service. Before sending in the zone of battle actions for implementation of the assigned tasks, servicemen of certain military branches pass training for improving of their skills, including, handling a weapon. The actual task is to reveal in time violations that can lea to the development of defeat of the auditory system under action of sounds of high intensity in the conditions of realization of battle actions in future. Aim: to define changes in otorhinolaryngologic status of servicemen of AFU during the implementation of the educational firing on a polygon. Materials and methods: the otorhinolaryngologic inspection of 53 servicemen is conducted at age from 18 to 37 and after realization of firing from a rifle armament (gun-machine of Kalashnikov without and with subbarrel grenade launcher) on a polygon. Results and their discussions: After realization of series of shots in parts of servicemen certain changes were revealed in ENT status. During the otoscopy of some patients (11.3%) was revealed the injection of the vessels by the way of handle of hammer, in 5 (9.4%) cases during the otoscopy was marked certain smoothness of the contours of eardrums and reduction of light reflex. Worth mentioning that 10 (18.8%) patients inspected after training felt high-frequency subjective noise. 2 fighters (3.7%) ment ioned moderate dizziness after implementation of shots. 5 (9.4%) servicemen had complaints about a moderate headache after training. Majority of them noted that such a feeling passed during an hour after firing. However, in 7.5% cases such complaints took the place after this term. And exactly at this group of inspected we also looked after changes at an otoscopy. We guided such fighters at a further instrumental inspection for detection of possible violations in functioning of auditory analyzer as a result of the noise influence. To our opinion, such persons should be examined in relation to the presence of preclinical violations in an auditory analyzer and possible increase of individual sensitiveness to noise influence . There is a risk, which in the zone of battle actions in case of acousticbarotrauma the severe defeat of the auditory system can develop in such fighters. Thus, due to the conducted examination by otolaryngologist. increases the possibility of revealing the person with high sensitiveness to the noise influence in time that help determine the limitations that can be applied in this case, It is expedient to use possibility to prevent development of heavy hearing loss and invalidisation of servicemen, that has socio-economic consequences. Conclusions: 1. During the implementation of the educational firing some servicemen can suffer from the violations of the state of the auditory system, which looks like the changes of otoscopic picture and the presence of complaints such as congestion of the ears, dizziness, high-frequency subjective ear noise, headache. 2. The examination of otolaryngologist after implementation of the educational firing of servicemen allows revealing those who has visible changes in the state of ENT-organs. The selection of such persons creates precondition of determination among them group of high risk further development of violations in an auditory analyser.

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