
Cryptography in general means hiding, while in technical terms cryptography means protecting data from unauthorized access of someone, or cryptography can be considered as a method that ciphers the data so that the data can neither be read nor understood by humans. With the increasing level of internet consumption, the security of our data is the main concern. Due to increasing cyber-attacks, and over-relying on the internet, a lot of users’ data has been compromised. This has brought our attention to data security and cryptographic algorithms. Data security ensures the data of users is not being compromised and is present in such a format that an intruder won’t get access to our data, it ensures that the data is accessible to the intended user only, and anybody else can neither read nor change the data. To achieve such security, some algorithms or processes are needed. One such algorithm can be derived using Morse code since data in Morse code uses dots and dashes to represent alphabets and numbers. Even if such encryption is used directly, it may cause some threat to the user’s data as anyone with knowledge of Morse code can easily decrypt it, so to get more safety, the encrypted data is needed to be encrypted again with some other algorithm. Now, other than data safety, the safety of the algorithm is also required, as if someone gets to know about the algorithm, they can decrypt the data. The Python programming language provides a module named Cryptography in which Fernet can be used to encrypt the algorithm file as well as the data file again. Cryptography in python uses a symmetric encryption technique, i.e., it uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the data. This technique is faster compared to asymmetric techniques. This paper demonstrates how Morse code, time & Python’s Cryptography module can be used together to provide maximum data safety.

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