
Background/Objectives: Cloud storage is an increasingly popular class of services for archiving, backup and sharing of data. Data security concern has been one of the major hurdles preventing its widespread adoption of cloud. This paper proposes a Symmetric Encryption Algorithm (SEA) for data security in the cloud. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Traditionally, Cryptography techniques are used for data security. Encryption is a cryptography technique used for securing the data. The proposed algorithm in this paper is a symmetric encryption technique. The proposed algorithm executes the ASCII code of each value in the original data. Encryption is done before the data are sent to the cloud. Findings: Proposed SEA is implemented in JAVA and procedure of encryption and decryption of the SEA is evaluated in cloud storage. SEA reduces the time taken for encryption and decryption. Data are frequently uploaded to cloud; proposed SEA should not make latency in data uploading. The proposed algorithm is easily fit into cloud storage environment. SEA helps cloud users and cloud service providers to maintain the security of data in cloud storage. Cloud provider should not access data stored in cloud storage server. Hence, the SEA provides secure data storage environment in cloud. Application/Improvements: Security is more essential to data in the cloud. The proposed SEA provides better security to the data stored in the cloud storage. This technique is suitable to education, medical and agriculture community to securely store their data in cloud storage.

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