
AbstractThis study performs data‐driven modeling of mesoscale solids stress closures for filtered two‐fluid model (fTFM) in gas–particle flows via an artificial neural network (ANN) based machine learning method. The data used for developing the ANN‐based predictive data‐driven modeling framework is systematically filtered from fine‐grid simulations. The loss function optimization result reveals that coupling two loss functions promotes more accurate predictions of the mesoscale solids stresses than using a single loss function. Further comprehensive assessments of closure markers demonstrate a systematic dependence of the mesoscale solids stresses on the filtered particle velocity and its gradient as additional anisotropic markers, instead of using the conventional isotropic filtered rate of solid phase deformation as a closure marker. An optimal three‐marker mesoscale closure is thus proposed. Comparative analysis of the conventional filtered model and present three‐marker model shows that the data‐driven model can substantially enhance the prediction accuracy.

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