
In this paper, we report data and experiments related to the research article entitled “An adaptive truncation criterion, for linesearch-based truncated Newton methods in large scale nonconvex optimization” by Caliciotti et al. [1]. In particular, in Caliciotti et al. [1], large scale unconstrained optimization problems are considered by applying linesearch-based truncated Newton methods. In this framework, a key point is the reduction of the number of inner iterations needed, at each outer iteration, to approximately solving the Newton equation. A novel adaptive truncation criterion is introduced in Caliciotti et al. [1] to this aim. Here, we report the details concerning numerical experiences over a commonly used test set, namely CUTEst (Gould et al., 2015) [2]. Moreover, comparisons are reported in terms of performance profiles (Dolan and Moré, 2002) [3], adopting different parameters settings. Finally, our linesearch-based scheme is compared with a renowned trust region method, namely TRON (Lin and Moré, 1999) [4].


  • In this paper, we report data and experiments related to the research article entitled “An adaptive truncation criterion, for linesearch-based truncated Newton methods in large scale nonconvex optimization” by Caliciotti et

  • Operations Research and Management Science Nonlinear Optimization Table, graph http://www.cuter.rl.ac.uk/, experimental output data Raw and filtered None Different codes have been experienced over the CUTEst test set; comparisons among their performance are provided in terms of performance profiles

  • As regards the set of test problems, we selected all the unconstrained convex and nonconvex large problems available in the CUTEst collection [2], and when a problem is of variable dimension, we considered two different dimensions

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Data article

Title: Data and performance profiles applying an adaptive truncation criterion, within linesearchbased truncated Newton methods, in large scale nonconvex optimization. Authors: Andrea Caliciottia, Giovanni Fasanob, Stephen G. A Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale “A. Ruberti”, SAPIENZA, Università di Roma, via Ariosto, 25 - 00185 Roma, Italy. B Department of Management, University Ca' Foscari of Venice, S. C Systems Engineering & Operations Research Department, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive Fairfax - VA 22030, USA

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