
SUMMARY.The life history of the clover‐seed midge has been studied, and methods of control are discussed. The midge destroying clover seed in England is Dasyneura leguminicola Lint., the species common in the United States. It is typically two brooded and the second brood overwinters in the larval state. There are four larval instars.An attempt was made to establish the immunity of a variety of red clover, but all the varieties used were susceptible to attack. White clover was not attacked. It is suggested that unless an immune variety can be produced, clovers grown for seed production should be chosen with a view to their being in the green‐head either before or after the time of maximum emergence of the midges (e.g. the week from May 28th to June 4th in Harpenden). Furthermore, if cutting of the first crop is used as a means for destruction of the second brood of midges, this should take place within 10 days of the crest of emergence of the midges, the farmer deriving what information he requires from the advisory entomologist of his particular district.

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