
Abstract–. The spreading of the word “ detail” all over the world, its origin and its Roman roots will be presented as an introduction. Then, varied words and expressions which the Latin language uses to express “ detail” and “ detailed”, will be exposed. The Latin grammarians’ inclination for the details of the language as well as the scrupulous study of details in Roman juridical thought will be examined afterwards. The countless inscriptions for which the Romans had a predilection, offer, besides what is conventional, lots of instructive details which sometimes reveal themselves only at a second glance. In his “ ars poetica”, Horace expresses himself on details in an indirect and subtle way. The wonderful mosaics, wall paintings and reliefs of sarcophagi are typical representations of Roman art. It is worth showing the subtility of their conception and details. A mirror with an erotic theme offers an original relief which shows the artist’s liking for details. The symbolical illustrations of two months in the Chronograph of 354 bear witness to deep-rooted pagan traditions.

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