We perform the first analysis of Dark Matter scenarios in a constrained model with Dirac Gauginos. The model under investigation is the Constrained Minimal Dirac Gaugino Supersymmetric Standard model (CMDGSSM) where the Majorana mass terms of gauginos vanish. However, $R$-symmetry is broken in the Higgs sector by an explicit and/or effective $B_\mu$-term. This causes a mass splitting between Dirac states in the fermion sector and the neutralinos, which provide the dark matter candidate, become pseudo-Dirac states. We discuss two scenarios: the universal case with all scalar masses unified at the GUT scale, and the case with non-universal Higgs soft-terms. We identify different regions in the parameter space which fullfil all constraints from the dark matter abundance, the limits from SUSY and direct dark matter searches and the Higgs mass. Most of these points can be tested with the next generation of direct dark matter detection experiments.
Models of supersymmetry breaking; permitting N = 2 supersymmetric subsectors of the theory at high energies — and bottom up: they allow increased naturalness through supersoftness [4, 50], contain new couplings that can enhance the Higgs mass, can weaken both LHC search bounds [51,52,53] and flavour constaints [8, 54, 55]
We identify different regions in the parameter space which fulfill all constraints from the dark matter abundance, the limits from SUSY and direct dark matter searches and the Higgs mass
We have investigated possible dark matter scenarios in the Constrained Minimal Dirac Gaugino Supersymmetric Standard model (CMDGSSM)
As defined in [42] (to which we refer the reader for a more complete disucssion), consists of the MSSM field content Q, L, E, U, D, Hu, Hd augmented by adjoint superfields for hypercharge, SU(2) and SU(3) denoted S, T, O, and new unification fields with representations. By reducing the mixing term we both allow a larger light Higgs mass and smaller expectation values for the adjoint scalars. While the former is obviously desirable, the latter is vitally important for electroweak precision tests because a large triplet expectation value would split the masses of the W and Z from their Standard Model values. Since c2β < 0 this implies that we may have a partial cancellation of the mixing terms ∆hs and ∆ht if μ or λT /λS are substantial and negative By making this choice we both enhance the Higgs mass and reduce the shift in the ρ parameter.
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