We study dark matter interacting via a massive spin-2 mediator. To have a consistent effective theory for the spin-2 particle, we work in a warped extra-dimensional model such that the mediator(s) are the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the 5D graviton. We pay close attention to dark matter annihilations into KK-gravitons. Due to the high energy behavior of longitudinal modes of spin-2 fields, these channels exhibit a tremendous growth at large center of mass energies sqrt{s} if only one spin-2 mediator is considered. For the first time, we include the full KK-tower in this dark matter production process and find that this growth is unphysical and cancels once the full field content of the extra-dimensional theory is taken into account. Interestingly, this implies that it is not possible to approximate the results obtained in the full theory with a reduced set of effective interactions once sqrt{s} is greater than the first graviton mass. This casts some doubt on the universal applicability of previous studies with spin-2 mediators within an EFT framework and prompts us to revisit the phenomenological allowed parameter space of gravitationally interacting scalar dark matter in warped extra-dimensions.
√ at large center of mass energies s if only one spin-2 mediator is considered
We study dark matter interacting via a massive spin-2 mediator
We include the full KK-tower in this dark matter production process and find that this growth is unphysical and cancels once the full field content of the extra-dimensional theory is taken into account
The RS model consists of a 5D space compactified under a S1/Z2 orbifold symmetry [24]. We have a Lagrangian in which the fields hμν, r are already 4-dimensional but we still need to perform the integration over the 5th dimensions to arrive at a fully 4D theory This last step fixes the coefficients of the interactions in terms of integrals over the 5D wave functions. Matching the massless graviton contribution to the equivalent term in GR fixes the relation between the (reduced) Planck mass in 4D, MPl and the parameters of the 5D theory κ. In the large μ limit this reduces to Λ = MPl e−μπ such that the interaction strength with the massive gravitons is exponentially larger than with the massless one In this limit, the radion contribution to the interaction Lagrangian is given by. This interaction is very well studied, see e.g. [32, 33], and we do not include it in our analysis since we want to keep our focus on the implications of higher dimensional gravity
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