
Creating a safe environment in schools is an extremely important task that requires a lot of attention. Peculiarity of such educational institution is: - availability of premises for various purposes (classrooms, classrooms for such subjects as chemistry and physics, workshops for labor training with tools, materials, sewing machines, sports and assembly hall, dining room, kitchen). - group stay in one building of different children age groups at the same time. - institutions become the venue for various events – fairs, concerts, meetings, sports competitions. The legislation of Ukraine states that all institution employees, as well as students, should be taught the safe be-havior rules. It has been researched that child traumatism makes up about 26% of the total, including 12-16% at school. It is found that not all educational staff have an idea of the potential dangers real number that could endanger both their lives and their health and their students as well. The main causes of school traumatism are: the lack of teacher control over students' behavior during lessons and breaks and poorly organized educational work. Studies of existing risks at the educational process were carried out in several ways: legislation on the education-al process organizing analysis, sociological (questionary of students, their parents, teachers, teachers of inclusive educa-tion, employees of supervisory bodies), statistical (emergencies analysis that occurred in educational countries for the last two years) and other methods. The study compiled a list of the most common dangers that pose or may pose a threat to educational process participants in modern schools. The most common are: - unknown gas, which is distributed at school events or at school premises, so it is necessary to plan evacuation drills in case of unknown gas spraying in premises, or detection of explosive or unknown objects in premises or on school area, as well as in case of danger; - the dangers encountered in the school's courtyards - enhanced protection and access restriction to the educational institutions territory of persons who do not directly participate in the educational process and to develop and dis-seminate to students, pedagogical staff the rules leaflet on dealing with suspicious objects; - fires in school buildings - fire safety inspections before the school year start show that a significant percentage of schools do not meet the requirements. The main violations found while fire safety school detecting are: missing or faulty fire systems; improperly connected hydrants; faulty fire extinguishers; missing or faulty external water supply; arrangement of fire-hazardous stretch ceilings; no lightning rod; combustible bases under concealed wires, sockets and switches,; evacuation routes are not illuminated; no fire protection, no fire safety instructions; lattices are fixed on the windows; the door does not open in the exit direction. All educational process participants should know the procedure and sequence of actions in case of fire: 1. The fire department must be notified by telephone (101), to switch on the notification system, to inform the facility manager or the assistant. 2. Evacuate students and pupils from the building on the alarm signal. Evacuation should be performed accord-ing to the developed evacuation scenario in different cases (the event happened during the lesson, during a break, while staying with children in the cafeteria, during events in the assembly hall, at night - for institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, etc.). 3. All puipils evacuated from the building are checked according to the available in groups or classes list (log-book) by name. 4. In the daytime, pupils, groups (classes) are accommodated in the building (on the specified address). At night, they are evacuated to the building (note address). Therefore, knowing the simplest security rules will help to reduce the level of danger at an institution. The need is to create a risk management system that will allow: successfully deal with the risks of different origins and their consequences; take into account the specifics of each situation; ensure adequate powers and responsibilities allocation; respond promptly to changing conditions; optimally apply the necessary resources to reduce risk; eliminate the negative effects of adverse situations and events with minimal resources and in the shortest possible time.


  • Cтворення безпечного середовища у школах – є надзвичайно важливим завданням, що потребує значної уваги

  • Усі евакуйовані з будівлі учні, вихованці перевіряються за наявними в групах чи класах поіменними списками

  • – проведення зустрічей для вихованців, учнів, працівників закладів освіти та батьків з співробітниками Державної служби з надзвичайних ситуацій та правоохоронних органів, учасниками бойових дій у зоні ООС, волонтерів щодо правил поведінки у випадку виявлення вибухонебезпечних та підозрілих предметів, інших небезпечних подій;

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Cтворення безпечного середовища у школах – є надзвичайно важливим завданням, що потребує значної уваги. Встановлено, що не усі працівники закладів освіти мають уявлення про реальну кількість потенційних небезпек, які можуть становити загрозу як їхньому життю та здоров’ю, так і їхніх учнів.

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