
The article is devoted to the study of such a social phenomenon as the "political culture" of the Dagestanis during the existence of the Dagestan region. The use of systemic, historical-comparative, and historical-typological, anthropological methods contributes to a more adequate reflection of historical processes and phenomena, allows us to understand the mechanism of social changes.The phenomenon of political culture is due to its dual nature, on the one hand, it belongs to the sphere of politics, and its "life cycle" is tied to the period of existence of the political system, on the other, to the sphere of culture as a value-normative system that goes beyond its limits. The type of political culture is formed in the process of developing the socio-economic and general cultural context of each particular country. In this regard, we set ourselves the task of showing how the traditions and dynamics of the development of Dagestan society have reflected on the political culture of the Dagestanis, understood as a value-normative system, which includes basic beliefs, attitudes, orientations, symbols directed to the political system.The authors analyzed the historical and social experience underlying the political orientations and political behavior of ethnic communities united after the end of the Caucasian War within the framework of the Dagestan region of the Russian Empire. We came to the conclusion that if at the time of the creation of the region the political systems and political culture of the peoples of Dagestan were heterogeneous, and the differentiation was of a territorial nature, then by the time the autocracy fell, we can speak of a single socio-political community - the Dagestanis and the aggregation of political values ​​and attitudes took place no longer geographically, but ideologically. And the October Revolution led to the need to choose one of the alternatives.

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